Monday 10 January 2011

Journal 10/01/11

Yesterday Si Hin was able to visit the meat packing suppliers and ask their permission for us to film there, and thankfully they agreed to letting us film there. They also agreed to our requests as they are letting us film them whilst they are working they are also letting us use their office once they have closed up to the general public in the afternoon. They even agreed to act within our title sequence, the only down side to all of this is that they are not really to keen on their faces being shown within our title sequence. So we are trying to come to some kind of agreement with them such as us perhaps not filming them straight on. As we could try to film the side of their faces or maybe the backs of their heads as they are working. We hope to resolve this with them on the day of filming and hopefully they will come around and not mind having their faces appear just slightly within our title sequence. If not we are willing to figure out certain ways to film them that do not really show there faces completely.

We have also finalized a date for filming we are planning on filming in the meat packing factory on Sunday 16th January. As the factory closes early on this day, and they are not particularly busy to the general public on this day. Therefore this would be the best day for them to be filmed, and for us to operate our tripod within there premises. We are now in the planning and scheduling stages of our title sequence. We are scheduling all of our filming and planning how much time it shall take us to film certain parts and what shots we need to prioritize. We are awaiting filming tomorrow and we are trying to finalize an office to film within. We are also trying to gather together props for e.g. a camera in which the inspector shall use, his business card with our new chosen typography on it entitling his profession "Private investigator".

Also we would like to film some exterior shots so we would like Sean Simmons to have  cigarette in his hand as he is stalking Si Hin. We are also finalizing wardrobe as we would like Sean to appear with smart trousers on and a white long sleeved shirt with rolled up sleeves. For Si Hin's look we have adopted a more natural and laid back outfit for e.g. a hoodie and jeans. As we have decided we do not want him to look noticeable as he is portraying a triad he would have to be discrete and blend in like any other normal citizen. We will film these shots on a later date.

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