Monday 31 January 2011

Stills of Our Settings and Locations

These are stills from the scene where we see our suspect handing someone drugs. These are our location shots, we chose to film outside school as we thought it would be best. As there were bushes and fences, in which our investigator could hide behind. This looked affective as it connoted a trapped and insecure environment that the inspector was in. Also filming after school meant that it would be dark outside, this was a plus for us as the darkness connoted danger and that evil was near. We chose this location in particular as our investigator could hide behind the bushes and yet be in perfect view of the suspect and his associate. The fences work well within the frame also as they add these gritty blurs in front of the lens. Thus creating a sense of being trapped or perhaps that the victims future is of him behind bars. We also chose to see the deal going on outside some normal houses, as it showed that they were in some sort of disgusting estate were things like this happen every second. Therefore creating a creepy environment for audiences.

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