Friday 7 January 2011

Journal 07/01/11

Today as a group we have been finishing off our storyboards and we have decided on changing a few elements to our title sequences. As a group we have decided upon changing the name of our title sequence as we have decided that the title (PI) is just a bit too plain and obvious so as a group we brainstormed a few names for our film. Here are some of the names we had to choose from:
-Last assignment
-The last job
-A job too far
-End of the line
-Hard boiled
-Private investigation
-Open case

Finally as a group we chose the name "Closure" as we thought this would be best-fitting. As the film in itself is the investigator trying to close this one particular case, he is trying to find closure within the case and the people involved. We also thought that this would well as we wanted to make it seem as if this film could have sequels and be a franchise. As if this film were to be a franchise then it would work as the same group of gangsters would be involved but it would just be the investigator trying to put them all into prison so the idea of closing the case would still work within the sequels.

Other ideas that we had was that of were we like to shoot a lot of our scenes, we would like to do quite a lot of shots on the street of our other lead character (the triad member). As we have decided to film within Si hin's family take away, as there are a lot of dark corridors and small rooms that we could easily make look sinister and into a triad meeting place. We have decided to hopefully start filming within Si hin's family take away this weekend.

We have also decided upon two people that we know who could possibly play the investigator we just have to choose one now based on who will be able to do all of the filming outside of school, so whoever is available on the days of filming shall be the inspector. We will most likely have Sean Simmons acting within our title sequence as he will make a good investigator for our title sequence.

Another change we have thought about is making our own production company as we our not sure about using paramount pictures, this is not a decision we have finalized yet as we are pretty uncertain about this right know. Yet nevertheless we have made an image to represent our production company, we were going to use a triad symbol and call the company "Triad Productions". Our only reasoning's for possibly not using paramount pictures is that of copy righted reasons, as we want to be more original and have a production company that we can make relevant to our film. We are still discussing this idea as a group, so for now we have just played around with the idea and have only made a logo for it so far. This is the image for the production company that we had in our minds...

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