Friday 7 January 2011

Journal 05/01/11

Today we all as a group sat down on our own computers to find different types of typography that we could use within our title sequence. We went onto such websites as da font and edited them on photo-shop. We played around a lot with the typography adding such things as gun targets where the letter o should be. We all looked at each others typography and brought all of our ideas together. We decided upon quite a lot of items such as, that we would like two separate types of typography as we would like to use a business card that will say (Private Investigator) on it. We have decided for this that we would like to use very posh and classy typography. Yet for our main titles we would like to use a type writer style of writing. As a group we decided that these two separate typography's will not look weird as they will be used in different ways. As we have decided that we want the business card to act as an explanation to our audiences as if to make them aware of who this character is. This is what the business card's typography shall look like...
We have decided today that we would like the business card to appear on the investigator's desk, as he is putting down his telephone. This way we thought that appearing the card to be just lying upon the investigator's desk shows that this item has little importance to the actual events going on screen. As we would like the business card to act like just a snippet of information about out investigator. We are still researching our main titles typography and will finish this work on Friday, also on Friday we will finish our storyboards completely and add them onto our blogs as soon as possible.

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